What People are Saying About Us


“While I rarely contact you, I would still like to express how much your excellent service is appreciated. We live in challenging times which frequently feel a bit overwhelming on many levels for individuals. Ethical, efficient businesses are rare today. However, in my opinion, [Obsidian] is a gem which clearly stands out as a genuine exception to that dire fact. ”   Kathy Morton


“What Obsidian provides is a road map for the direction you want to go.”



“The relationship I have with Obsidian allows me to focus on my business and not what happens to the money after I make it.”



“I don’t worry anymore about whether I’m doing the right thing. I’ve got three kids and I want to make sure they’re taken care of if something would happen to me. I think Obsidian has put me in a great position so I can sleep at night.”

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